

If you don’t have access to a Linux box you can quickly setup one on DigitalOcean and other cloud providers.

Active Mainsail networks:

Testnet (ARK)


Name File
Crypto crypto.json
App app.json
Seed peers peers.json


Process Port number
P2P 4000
Public API 4003
Transaction Pool API 4007

API Nodes

You can make use of as API node. This is a load balancer with 3 separate servers behind it.

Ark Scan

Receiving testnet tokens

You can receive testnet tokens from the DARK Faucet . The faucet is a service that provides free tokens to testnet users.

You need to provide your testnet address to receive tokens. If you don’t have a testnet address, you can create one using the Mainsail TX Tester .

Last updated 5 months ago
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