Getting Started

The Manager API allows you to gather common node information, access logs, control running processes and handle ledger snapshots on demand. Requests should contain valid JSON RPC 2.0 data which are transformed over HTTP / HTTPS protocol using GET method.


All HTTP/HTTPS requests have to be sent with the Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json header. If the header is not present, it will result in malformed responses or request rejections.




The Manager API is official ARK Ecosystem plugin, but it does not come with the default installation. You can install plugin manually by running:

1ark plugin:install @arkecosystem/core-manager

Check if plugin is installed successfully, by using following command:

1ark help

You should see manager section under available commands.


Core plugins are installed per network configuration, which allows installation of different plugins and plugin versions per network. Use --network=mainnet/devnet/testnet flag on each command if you are using more than one network configuration.


The Manager API is not configured by default and you should configure it manually by customizing settings in app.json and .env file. To simplify this process you can perform basic configuration through the interactive process.

1ark manager:config


We strongly recommend setting basic authentication using basic Argon2Id hashing method with custom secret and using HTTPS access only.

Additionally, you can customize API specific settings in .env or app.json file.

Argon2Id Basic Authentication

It is recommended to make configuration changes for defining user access and IP whitelisting within your app.json file.

2 "package": "@arkecosystem/core-manager",
3 "options": {
4 "plugins": {
5 "whitelist": [""],
6 "basicAuthentication": {
7 "enabled": true,
8 "secret": "secret",
9 "users": [
10 {
11 "username": "username",
12 "password": "$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$NiGA5Cy5vFWTxhBaZMG/3Q$TwEFlzTuIB0fDy+qozEas+GzEiBcLRkm5F+/ClVRCDY"
13 }
14 ]
15 }
16 }
17 }

The whitelist property is an Array consisting of IP addresses that you allow to make connections to the manager API. By default, only local access to the webhook API is allowed. This means that if you want to expose your webhook API to the outside, you’ll need to explicitly add the IP addresses that you will use to this list (recommended approach). It is also possible to use wildcards to indicate a range of IPs (e.g. "12.34.56.*") or even to allow everyone (e.g. "*") (not recommended).

Token authentication

Alternatively, instead of using basic authentication, token authentication can be enabled (not recommend).

2 "package": "@arkecosystem/core-manager",
3 "options": {
4 "plugins": {
5 "whitelist": [""],
6 "tokenAuthentication": {
7 "enabled": true,
8 "token": "secret_token"
9 }
10 }
11 }

Include Authorization header into request with content: Bearer <secret_token>.

Network related environment variables

It is recommended to make configuration changes to these options by working with your .env file and the corresponding variables:

Variable Description Type Default
CORE_MANAGER_PUBLIC_IP Determines core managers public IP. string undefined
CORE_MANAGER_DISABLED Enables or disables the manager API plugin boolean false
CORE_MANAGER_HOST The host to expose the API on string ""
CORE_MANAGER_PORT The API port on which the plugin will listen integer 4005
CORE_MANAGER_SSL Enables or disables the manager API plugin using SSL. boolean false
CORE_MANAGER_SSL_HOST The host to expose the HTTPS API on string ""
CORE_MANAGER_SSL_PORT The host to expose the HTTPS API on port 8445
CORE_MANAGER_SSL_KEY Determines where SSL key is located. port 8445
CORE_MANAGER_SSL_CERT Determines where SSL certificate is located. port 8445
CORE_MANAGER_ARCHIVE_FORMAT Determines which format is used for storing downloaded logs (zip or gz). string zip


Manager API obtains some of the required data from running either a core or relay & forger process.


Be aware that the HTTP server is running on a node instance and that all processes are run with ark [process_name]:start option. Using this method, the process is run as a PM2 process, which is necessary because PM2 IPC is used for getting some data required by manager API. Read more about starting processes in our Core CLI Documentation.

Store events and logs

When package is used on core or relay & forger processes it can provide additional functionality for storing logs and events in a local sqlite database. Stored data can be queried from dedicated JsonRPC calls. Additionally logs can be achieved and downloaded using customized filtering. This functionality is enabled only when package is added into app.json settings file in desired process plugins.

1"core": {
2 "plugins": [
3 {
4 "package": "@arkecosystem/core-logger-pino"
5 },
6 {
7 "package": "@arkecosystem/core-manager"
8 },
9 {
10 "package": "@arkecosystem/core-state"
11 },
12 ...
13 ]


@arkecosystem/core-manager package should be included right after @arkecosystem/core-logger-pino package for optimal performance.


Core manager offers variety of options from filtering stored event types, enabling and disabling logs and event storing to defining length of logs history in days. Options can be set via ENV variables or under package options in app.json file.


Don’t use event watching (CORE_WATCHER_ENABLED flag) in production or mainnet network. This functionality is added only for debugging purposes.

Watcher related environment variables

It is recommended to make configuration changes to these options by working with your .env file and the corresponding variables:

Variable Description Type Default
CORE_WATCH_LOGS_DISABLED Disable storing logs. boolean false
CORE_WATCHER_ENABLED Enables or disables the event watcher boolean false
CORE_WATCH_BLOCKS_DISABLED Disable storing block related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_ERRORS_DISABLED Disable storing error related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_QUERIES_DISABLED Disable storing query related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_QUEUES_DISABLED Disable storing queue related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_ROUNDS_DISABLED Disable storing rounds related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_SCHEDULES_DISABLED Disable storing schedule related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_TRANSACTIONS_DISABLED Disable storing transaction related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_WALLETS_DISABLED Disable storing wallet related events. boolean false
CORE_WATCH_WEBHOOKS_DISABLED Disable storing webhooks related events. boolean false

Final checks

After making changes to the manager API configuration, you will need to restart your manager process for the changes to take effect. If you want to check whether your manager API is running, you should pay attention to the startup messages in the logs of your relay. It will print a line similar to INFO : Public JSON-RPC API (HTTP) Server started at when it has successfully started the manager API.


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Last updated 3 years ago
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